Intergroup Collaboration: An Examination through the Lenses of Identity and IT Affordances 15/12/2016 By Marie-Claude Boudreau, Hamid Nach and Albert Lejeune In Autres publications No Comments A growing body of research in management and social-psychology focuses on the study of collaboration and intergroup dynamics (e.g. Murase et al. 2014; Thomas, Martin and Riggio 2013). Among this research, an emerging stream has considered the concept of identity, which is described as the set of meanings that define who one is as a person, as a role occupant, or as a group member (Burke 2000). Similarly, the concept of identity has been used at the collective level, to refer to the set of meanings that define a group, an organization, or multiple groups interacting together (i.e., intergroup identity). The type of identity that is manifested in the context of intergroup1 work is influenced, among other things, by the information technology (IT) affordances that can be enacted by the involved groups (Gal, Jensen, and Lyytinen, 2014; Nach, Boudreau, and Lejeune, 2016). Whereas this relationship has been proposed at a high level, it is not clear what type of IT affordances leads to different identity and promotes collaboration within the intergroup context. Tags: AEC • Ambivalence • BIM • Building Information Modeling • Collective identity • Intergroup Collaboration • IT • Research • social-psychology • Superordinate collective identity