Cognition, soutenabilité, infrastructures, modèle d’affaires et architectures
COSIMA² est un groupe interdisciplinaire de chercheurs en technologie et sciences de la gestion ayant comme objet de recherche des idées, propositions, et nouvelles pratiques qui se développent à la frontière l’écologique, du social, de l’intelligence, de la technologie, des affaires et des architectures organisationnelles.
Dans notre monde complexe et toujours en redéfiniton de nouvelles propositions émergent en continu dans toutes les industries. On peut prendre l’exemple de BIM (Building Information Modeling) qui permet de simuler les performances énergétiques d’un bâtiment, de virtualiser le design en échelle continue du bâtiment à la ville, de travailler le concept de ville intelligente, de créer de nouveaux modèles d’affaires dans l’industrie de la construction, de créer de nouvelles plateformes numériques supportant de nouvelles architectures organisationnelles.
Former un groupe interdisciplinaire observant, analysant et accompagnant le changement technologique, social et organisationnel avec une grande ouverture vers l’écologie et la science de la soutenabilité ainsi que les sciences de la complexité.
COSIMA² cherche à contribuer comme groupe à l’avancement des connaissances, à la formation des étudiants et à l’accompagnement des acteurs du changements. Nous voulons observer et analyser le changement tout en concevant de nouvelles synthèses et méthodes de recherche et d’accompagnement; nous concentrer sur des enjeux stratégiques pour notre société pour en tirer des apprentissages clés sous forme de ‘patterns’ applicables dans différents contextes.

Albert Lejeune
Hamid Nach
Marie-Claude (Maric) Boudreau
Daniel Forgues
Gulnaz Aksenova
Professionnelle de recherche
Georges Rizallah
Ingénieur civil, associé professionnel
Hamed Motaghi
- Lejeune, A. (2016). Green NBMs as Cognitive Artefacts: Some Characteristics, paper accepted at the conference “New Business Models” – Exploring a changing view on organizing value creation, Toulouse Business School, June 16-17.
- Lejeune, A. (2012). Business model innovation with weak or strong sustainability in mind, presented at The International Society for Professional Innovation Management ISPIM Conference Proceedings, Barcelona (Spain), June.
- Lejeune, A. Nach, H., Rizkallah, G. and Aksenova, G. (2016). Finnish BIM Pioneers: Like Hackers Architects in a Community Studio, presented at The International Society for Professional Innovation Management, The ISPIM Innovation Forum, Boston, MA, USA on 13-16 March.
- Lejeune, A., & Nkambou, R. (2013). A Table Game to Elicit Green Capacities in Business Models, presented at The International Society for Professional Innovation Management ISPIM Conference Proceedings, Helsinki (Finland), June.
- Lejeune, A., & Poirier, P. (2014). Green Business Model Design: A Concept of Three Dialoguing Robots, presented at The International Society for Professional Innovation Management ISPIM, The ISPIM Innovation Forum, Montreal, October.
- Nach, H. & Lejeune A. (2016). L’analytique des médias sociaux : les enjeux, les métriques et les outils, Colloque ACFAS, UQAM, 8-13 mai.
- Nach, H., & Lejeune, A. (2015). The Role of Identity in Adopting Building Information Modeling: A Comparative Study, presented at the American Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2015, Puerto Rico.
- Nach, H., Boudreau, M.-C., and Lejeune, A. (2016). Examining Interorganizational Collaboration: The Intergroup Relational Identity Perspective in: The 44th Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), June 4 -6 Edmonton, Alberta. Best MIS Paper Award.
- Abraham, C., Boudreau, M.-C., Junglas, I., & Watson, R. (2013). Enriching our theoretical repertoire: the role of evolutionary psychology in technology acceptance. European Journal of Information Systems, 22(1), 56–75.
- Boudreau, M.-C., Serrano, C., & Larson, K. (2014). IT-driven identity work: Creating a group identity in a digital environment. Information and Organization, 24(1), 1–24.
- Chen, A. J., Watson, R. T., Boudreau, M.-C., & Karahanna, E. (2011). An institutional perspective on the adoption of Green IS & IT. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 17(1).
- Claggett, J. L., Watson, R. T., & Boudreau, M.-C. (2011). Greenway Medical Technologies: The Pace-Setting David of Electronic Health Records. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 29(1), 17.
- Dawson, G. S., Watson, R. T., & Boudreau, M.-C. (2010). Information asymmetry in information systems consulting: toward a theory of relationship constraints. Journal of Management Information Systems, 27(3), 143–178.
- Delerue, H., & Lejeune, A. (2012). El impacto de los factores contextuales en las patentes conjuntas. Economía Industrial, (383), 145–156.
- Delerue, H., & Lejeune, A. (2010). Job mobility restriction mechanisms and appropriability in organizations: The mediating role of secrecy and lead time. Technovation, 30(5), 359–366.
- Delerue, H., & Lejeune, A. (2011). Managerial secrecy and intellectual asset protection in SMEs: The role of institutional environment. Journal of International Management, 17(2), 130–142.
- Delerue, H., & Lejeune, A. (2012). Internationalization of biotechnology start-ups: Geographic location and mimetic behaviour. International Small Business Journal, 30(4), 388–405.
- Delerue, H., & Lejeune, A. (2013). Joint Patenting in R&D Alliances: Control Rights and Resource Attributes. M@N@Gement, 16(2), 114–140.
- Forgues, D., & Lejeune, A. (2011). Value Generation through Integrated Teams: A Socio-Cognitive Approach. Journal of Civil Engineering, 5(1), 38.
- Forgues, D., & Lejeune, A. (2015). BIM: in search of the organisational architect. International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, 7(3), 270–283.
- Jin, L., Robey, D., & Boudreau, M.-C. (2015). The Nature of Hybrid Community: An Exploratory Study of Open Source Software User Groups. The Journal of Community Informatics, 11(1).
- Lawrence, T. M., Watson, R. T., Boudreau, M.-C., Johnsen, K., Perry, J., & Ding, L. (2012). A new paradigm for the design and management of building systems. Energy and Buildings, 51, 56–63.
- Lejeune, A., & Sack, I. (2011). From the architect to the organisational architect: modelling organisational domains in the empty, programming or inhabited space of strategy. International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion, 4(1), 99–112.
- Li, S. S., Boudreau, M.-C., Huber, M., & Watson, R. T. (2013). Sustainability Performance and CSR Disclosure: The Missing Link. International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development (IJSESD), 4(2), 34–47.
- Nach, H., & Lejeune, A. (2010). Coping with information technology challenges to identity: A theoretical framework. Computers in Human Behavior, 26(4), 618–629.
- Nach, H., & Lejeune, A. (2012). Identity Under Challenge. Information Systems/Systèmes D’information, 33(4), 177.
- Watson, R. T., Boudreau, M.-C., & Chen, A. J. (2010). Information systems and environmentally sustainable development: energy informatics and new directions for the IS community. Management Information Systems Quarterly, 34(1), 4.
- Watson, R. T., Boudreau, M.-C., Chen, A. J., & Sepúlveda, H. H. (2011). Green projects: An information drives analysis of four cases. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 20(1), 55–62.
- Watson, R. T., Boudreau, M.-C., Li, S., & Levis, J. (2010). Telematics at UPS: En route to energy informatics. MIS Quarterly Executive, 9(1), 1–11.
- Watson, R. T., Corbett, J., Boudreau, M.-C., & Webster, J. (2012). An information strategy for environmental sustainability. Communications of the ACM, 55(7), 28–30.
- Nach, H. (2013). Structuring Knowledge for Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation through an Ontology. Enterprise Resource Planning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 433.